Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Forward, Introduction and/or disclaimer

Hello, my name is Sam (ficticious name). I've been considering a blog for some time but have lacked substance I felt suitable for the world to see. Recently I joined a local union as an apprentice and thought the subject matter was fitting for the web and something to share, and yet remain somewhat annonymous.

Before introduction my journey I thought it important that I should make a disclaimer. So the following should be treated as such:

All views and subject matter are true to the best of my knowledge. Names and places will be occassionally changed to protect the identity of the author (me) and those around me. This blog is to be treated as memoirs and discussions surrounding my future profession and not that of my personal life. However, in the process of writing I should expect to share personal information and reflect on goals and dreams that may be afforded to me by working, but again, this blog is about the journey to becoming a Journeyman and is treated as such.

And with all of that being said... Lets begin from the beginning!

This journey is dedicated to all who believed in me. To my son, whom I will continue to live for and will always do my best to provide for. And to my beautiful wife who always believed in me and understood me like no one else. Finally to God, who has afforded me the blessing of being a father and husband.

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